Press | Boris FX

Silhouette 2020 Adds Advanced Rotoscoping, Paint & Compositing Tools

Written by Boris FX | Nov 13, 2019 6:28:00 PM

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A — November 13, 2019 — Boris FX Silhouette, the singular rotoscoping and paint tool favored by top feature film and visual effects teams, is having a banner year. Silhouette 2020 marks the first major release since winning a Sci-Tech Academy Award (Feb 2019), joining Boris FX’s award-winning product family (Sept 2019), and winning an Engineering Emmy Award (Oct 2019).

Silhouette 2020 builds upon the industry’s most robust rotoscoping, non-destructive paint, tracking, and compositing tools with new customer-requested features, improvements to core functionality, and new VFX workflows for a more streamlined user experience.

“The Silhouette 2020 release brings together years of engineering expertise and powerful partnerships with the film industry’s most decorated VFX studios,” says Boris Yamnitsky, President and Founder of Boris FX. “And pairs it with the forward-thinking development strategy that artists using Boris FX Sapphire, Continuum, and Mocha Pro have come to expect. Silhouette artists will reap the benefits of the combined engineering forces with the addition of Mocha’s Academy Award-winning planar tracker integrated directly into Silhouette 2020 (previously available as a paid upgrade option). We’re also offering a new cost-effective product bundle featuring Silhouette 2020 and the Mocha Pro plugin together, which gives artists access to new and improved compositing workflows for screen inserts, lens correction, object removals, and stabilization.”

“Silhouette 2020 is a landmark release as it represents 15 years of continuous development working with the best visual effects artists in the world to craft best-in-class software,” states Marco Paolini, Silhouette Product Manager/Designer. “We are excited to be working with the talented team at Boris FX, whose expertise has brought a number of new exciting features to Silhouette, including magnetic splines and point edge-snapping. Here’s to another 15 years!”

Silhouette 2020 Highlights

  • New! Roto tools & improvements: Speed up advanced rotoscoping and manual keyframing tasks with new magnetic spline tools with edge-snapping, a freehand selection tool for interactive point control selection, weighted keyframing to change the timing of shape animations, and a new RotoOverlay display to visualize shape animation by previewing motion path, motion blur or onion skin.
  • New! Paint tools & improvements: New brushes (Dodge, Burn, Detail) and detail separation improve retouching, cleanups, and matte painting with preserved details. A new Detail Separation workflow allows artists working on advanced cloning and beauty work to paint separately or simultaneously on color and detail layers.
  • New! Integrated Mocha planar tracker now included: Silhouette 2020 upgrades and new licenses now have access to Boris FX Mocha’s Academy Award-winning tracker to complement Silhouette’s native planar track and point tracker. The Mocha tracker was previously only available as a paid option. (a $199 value)
  • New! Silhouette and Mocha Pro plugin bundle: Customers can now upgrade or purchase the Mocha Pro 2020 plugin for Silhouette as a bundle, adding valuable advanced tracking and compositing workflows including lens calibration, GPU-accelerated object removal, new mega plates, stereo 360/VR workflow, and the ability to export tracking and roto data to industry-standard VFX and editing hosts.
  • New! Improved compositing and interface enhancements: New DOD (Domain of definition) node passes larger/smaller-than-session size sources through a project, Extract Detail node separates an image into color and detail layers, a streamlined workspace, multiple viewers, and more interface updates.
  • New! Upgrade and Support: Silhouette is now part of the Boris FX annual upgrade and support (U&S) program designed to make upgrading and budgeting more convenient. Customers on a current U&S plan have access to the latest available features, increased licensing flexibility, and technical support. Each purchase of a new license or an upgrade includes the 12-month U&S plan.
  • New! Boris FX licensing: Silhouette 2020 implements Boris FX RLM licensing and can now be purchased on the Boris FX webshop.

Mocha Pro plugin running inside SilhouetteNew product bundle option: Silhouette 2020 + Mocha Pro plugin (download the image)

Pricing & Availability

Silhouette 2020 is available with a new annual subscription option and as a permanent license. Customers also have the option to purchase or upgrade to the new Silhouette + Mocha Pro 2020 bundle option. Silhouette 2020 is a standalone application for macOS, Windows, and Linux with floating license options for enterprises.

Silhouette 2020

  • Single license: $1795
  • Upgrades start at $595
  • Annual Subscription: $995

Bundle: Silhouette 2020 + Mocha Pro Plugin (Silhouette only)

  • Single license: $1995
  • Upgrades start at $795
  • Annual Subscription: $1095

Bundle: Silhouette 2020 + Mocha Pro Standalone & Multi-host Plugin

  • Single license: $2495
  • Upgrades start at $1695
  • Annual Subscription: $1395

Learn more about Silhouette 2020.


Download Silhouette 2020 imagery

Silhouette 2020 (video)


Media Contact

Jessie Electa Petrov
Director of Marketing, Boris FX